Personal services

Estates and inheritance

Thinking about your death can be a difficult subject, but it pays to make arrangements for what happens to your finances when you are no longer here, or if you are unable to take care of your own affairs.

Our inheritance tax and estate planning services enable you to decide how your affairs will be managed and make sure family and friends will be adequately provided for in the future.

We will also use our expertise and experience to put you and your family on the path to a financially secure lifestyle in your later years, including planning in advance for the costs of long-term care.

estates and inheritance

Estate planning

Your estate is made up of your property, possessions, money and investments. If the value of your estate is large and it is liable to inheritance tax, it could affect how much you can pass on to the people or causes closest to your heart.

That’s why formulating an estate plan to minimise your tax liability is essential. Whatever the size of your estate, drafting a legally valid will ensures your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes. The more you have, the less you should leave to chance.

    Inheritance tax

    For most people, inheritance tax is a minefield. Our experts offer in-depth knowledge and experience to deliver pragmatic and effective solutions that are tailored to your specific assets.

    These water-tight strategies will protect your wealth, reduce tax liabilities and maximise the benefits of your estate for your family and other beneficiaries. With expert guidance you can rest assured that your affairs are in safe hands.

    Trusts >

    Wills >

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